Scleral buckling surgery
Scleral buckling is a surgical procedure to repair a retinal detachment by removing the detached humor under the retina, then placing a small band or buckle around the outside of the eyeball to push the sclera toward the retinal tear and keep the retina in place.
What is Retinal detachment?
Retinal detachment is an eye condition in which the retina is detached from the tissue underneath. Its initial cause may be a small retinal tear/hole, letting the fluids flow under the retina, gradually causing the retina to be partly separated from the eye wall. If not treated quickly, the entire retina can be completely detached, leading to a permanent loss of vision. Currently, besides the surgical procedure, there is no effective treatment for retinal detachment.
Prognosis after
Scleral buckling surgery
Due to the complexity of natural disposition of each person and the disease severity, the surgery outcome and postoperative vision cannot be fully prognosed. Therefore, it is not possible to guarantee the postoperative results with certainty. The post-operative vision can be improved, but very little, or cannot.
Video Credits:
This video belongs to: EyeSmart — American Academy of Ophthalmology. The American Academy of Ophthalmology, takes full ownership of this asset
For those with retinal detachment, if their surgery has not been performed immediately, they should limit activities such as taking a flight or intense activities. Besides basic needs, they should lie down in bed and avoid too many activities. Other notices:
Having breakfast normally on the day of surgery (except for those with diabetes).
Should not use alcohol or stimulants before the surgery.
Continuing to use daily prescription drugs if any.
Should not make up and use cosmetics, keep the eyes and face clean on the day of surgery.
Should not wear tight pullovers or shirts made of fur.
Should not wear items such as jewelry, watches or hairpins into the operating room.
Getting enough sleep and stay comfortable before the day of surgery.
Should not drive by themselves on the day of surgery.